Wisdom tooth removal can sound frightening to some, but in most cases, people who have this procedure are surprised at how quickly they recover. It’s also a 1-day procedure; patients typically come in to have all of these teeth taken out and return home the very same day.
The need to have your wisdom teeth removed can be necessary for a number of reasons: most people opt to have the surgery because the eruption of these teeth (the process of them growing out of the gumline) can be very painful. These growing pains can last months and months! Also, wisdom teeth can impact the position of the rest of your teeth and the overall alignment of your bite. So patients will have them removed before getting orthodontic treatment or to preserve the look of their current smile.
Of course, if you’re thinking of having your wisdom teeth removed for any reason, it’s a great idea to prepare yourself for the procedure and learn exactly what to expect going into the chair!
Important Questions to Ask the Dentist:
- How many wisdom teeth will be extracted?
- How complicated is my case?
- What are the risks associated with my case?
- How long will the procedure take?
- What should I do when I get home?
- What are abnormal symptoms I should look out for?
- Are you available for a follow up appointment after 1 week?
When In the Chair
Your 4 wisdom teeth are the 3rd farthest molars at the back of your jaw; 1 at each corner. The removal of these teeth are relatively simple if they are fully erupted but the procedure may take a little longer if the teeth are impacted (blocked by the gum tissue or by their position in your mouth).
Your dentist will begin by numbing the area with a gel and then administer the local anesthetic. This will allow them to work without you feeling any pain at all! They may recommend other options for numbing the area depending on the work that needs to be done and your comfort level. During the procedure, you may feel slight pressure but no pain as the dentist works on removing the teeth. They may also apply stitches if necessary
After the Procedure
After the procedure, you may start to have feeling again in your jaw within 1-3 hours. Shortly afterwards feeling soreness, pain, swelling and some bleeding is very common. Your dentist will be able to prescribe you with medication to help reduce the swelling and either recommend over the counter options for pain relief or also prescribe medication for this as well on a case-by-case basis.
It is not recommended that you drive yourself home. The best option would be for someone to come and pick you up to take you home just in case. To help reduce swelling, you can apply a cold compress to your cheeks, and remember to change the gauze in your mouth 30 – 40 minutes after or slightly sooner if needed. You may continue to do both of these symptom relief options for up to 24 hours.
Recovery At Home
After you leave the office and as you recover, continue to take your medication exactly as prescribed to you! This will ensure you experience the least amount of discomfort, reduced overall symptoms, and quicker healing times.
Recovery times aren’t too long! Most patients will be back to work within 4 – 7 days depending on how complex the surgery was. The important thing to remember is that you will still have to keep an eye on the area where your wisdom teeth were removed, as you can still develop an infection weeks after surgery.
After 7 days, the dentist will schedule a post-op appointment with you, and again after 2 weeks as well.
Wisdom Tooth Removal Dos and Don’ts
Remember to:
- Drink plenty of water!
- Eat soft foods like bananas, oatmeal, juice, etc. for at least 3 days
- Apply a cold compress for up to 24 hours
- Change your gauze as needed
- Take all of your medications as prescribed
Make sure to avoid:
- No strenuous activity and exercise
- Don’t brush or rinse your teeth/mouth for 12 hours following surgery. After this you may do so gently, avoiding the wisdom tooth area.
- Don’t smoke at all during the healing process
- Don’t drink through a straw as this can dislodge stitches or disrupt the wound
- No alcoholic, caffeinated, carbonated or hot beverages in the first 24 hours.
Interested in wisdom tooth removal? We are currently offering free consultations for new patients! Dr.Savita Chaudhry and her team are more than happy to meet with you to assess your case and offer you options for treatment and financing. Contact us at (416) 651-5151 today!